MY Message To Everyone:

Life can be very challenging, and even painful at times, but it is also beautiful, and a gift. Aim to rise above all of the ignorance, and hatefulness that you encounter, stay focused on what is positive, and what is right for you, and the situation. I hope that you know, it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks about you, it matters how you view, and feel about yourself. It is also far more important to focus on what you choose to spend your time doing, and not what others are doing, saying, or thinking. Please also remember that rest is important, so work hard, but don't be so driven to be productive that you don't take time to enjoy just being alive. And while it is true that life may expose you to darkness, loss, and tragedy, it is also full of inspiration, fun, and many wonderful surprises. Don't give up, or decide that there is no hope just because you are suffering right now. You may need to change your environment, move to another location, or even just adjust your mindset. Whatever path you choose, know that truly anything is possible, and ultimately, the only person that can prevent you from moving forward in life, is you. So get out of your own way, and start encouraging, believing in, and enabling yourself to succeed. If I can help, let me know.

- Marley The Messenger